730th Expeditionary Air Support Operations Squadron - définition. Qu'est-ce que 730th Expeditionary Air Support Operations Squadron
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est 730th Expeditionary Air Support Operations Squadron - définition

955th Air Expeditionary Squadron         
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966th Air Expeditionary Squadron
The 955th Air Expeditionary Squadron of the United States Air Force performed Operational and Administrative Control (OPCON/ADCON) of Joint Expeditionary Tasking and Individual Augmentee (JET/IA) Airmen in Afghanistan. The squadron is assigned to the 405th Air Expeditionary Group.
146th Air Support Operations Squadron         
146th Air Support Operations Squadron (ASOS) "Plains Warriors"
The 146th Air Support Operations Squadron is an air support operations (air-ground liaison) squadron of the United States Air Force. The official title of the 146th ASOS is "Plains Warriors.
No. 381 Expeditionary Combat Support Squadron RAAF         
No. 381 Expeditionary Combat Support Squadron
381ECSS is an expeditionary combat support squadron of the RAAF formed at RAAF Williamtown, NSW in May 1998. It is a fully deployable airbase operations unit that provides airbase-specific operations support and common 'close' combat support functions to one or more collocated flying units at a forward operating base.


730th Expeditionary Air Support Operations Squadron
The United States Air Force's 730th Expeditionary Air Support Operations Squadron (730 EASOS) is a combat support unit located at an undisclosed location in the Middle East. The 730 EASOS provides Tactical Command and Control of air power assets to the Joint Forces Air Component Commander and Joint Forces Land Component Commander for combat operations.